How Many Days Should You Take Rest After Tooth Extraction?

How Many Days Should You Take Rest After Tooth Extraction?

January 6, 2023
tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is one of the most common dental procedures, used to remove damaged or decayed teeth. It involves the use of special tools to loosen and extract the tooth from its socket in your jawbone. Although there are circumstances when it’s necessary, tooth extraction can cause some discomfort and pain in the days following the procedure – which is why it’s important to know how much time you should take off for recovery. Below we look at how many days you should rest after tooth extraction, along with tips for speeding up the recovery process.

How Many Days Should You Take Rest After Tooth Extraction?

The amount of time you should take off after a tooth extraction will depend on the complexity of the procedure, as well as your overall health and pain tolerance. Generally speaking, it’s best to plan for at least 3-4 days of rest following your tooth extraction. This will give your body enough time to start healing without pushing yourself too hard or putting undue strain on the affected area. Additionally, depending on how complex the procedure was, your dentist may advise taking up to a week off work or school to ensure full recovery.

What Should I Do During Recovery?

During this period of rest and recovery, it’s important to do anything that can help speed up the healing process. This includes taking medications as prescribed by your dentist, avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol, consuming soft foods that won’t irritate the extraction site, using a cold compress or ice pack to reduce swelling and inflammation around the area, reducing physical activity when possible and avoiding mouthwash containing alcohol.

When Can I Return to Normal Activities?

Once your body has had some time to rest after tooth extraction (usually 3-4 days), you should be able to gradually return to normal activities. Again, this will depend on how complex the procedure was – if there were any complications or if you have underlying health issues, your dentist may advise taking extra time to rest or avoiding certain activities.

Are There Any Potential Complications From Tooth Extraction?

Although most tooth extractions go smoothly and without any complications, there are some potential risks you should be aware of. These include an infection of the extraction site, dry socket (a painful condition caused by exposed bone), nerve damage, jaw fracture and/or sinus problems if the extracted tooth was in an upper molar area near your sinuses. If you experience any of these symptoms after a tooth extraction, contact your dentist immediately for further advice on treatment options.

What Else Can I Do To Speed Up Recovery?

Apart from taking regular rest days, there are some other things you can do to help speed up the recovery process after a tooth extraction. These include:

• Drinking plenty of fluids – water is best as it helps keep your mouth clean and hydrated;

• Eating soft foods such as soups or pureed fruits or vegetables that won’t irritate the extraction site;

• Refraining from smoking and drinking alcohol, which can slow down healing time;

• Applying cold compresses or ice packs to reduce swelling and inflammation;

• Practicing good oral hygiene, brushing with a soft bristled brush twice daily and using an antibacterial mouthwash regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I smoke after a tooth extraction?

A: No – smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided for at least 24 hours after a tooth extraction as these activities can slow down the healing process.

Q: Is there anything else I can do to speed up healing?

A: Yes – practicing good oral hygiene, drinking plenty of fluids and eating soft foods are all important steps you should be taking to help speed up the recovery process.

Q: How long should I take rest after tooth extraction?

A: Generally speaking, it’s best to allow for at least 3-4 days of rest following your tooth extraction, with some extra time off work or school if needed.


Tooth extractions can take a while to recover from, but understanding how much rest you need and taking the necessary steps to help speed up the recovery process is essential. Generally speaking, it’s best to allow for at least 3-4 days of rest following your tooth extraction, with some extra time off work or school if needed. Additionally, drinking plenty of fluids, eating soft foods and refraining from smoking and alcohol can all help speed up the healing process. Let’s check, what our customer is saying about our services